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< Scattered Photo and Video Gallery >
Scattered Photo Gallery by <54ka> creates a Flat or 3D gallery of scattered pictures, with many and easy ways to modify.
Scattered Photo Gallery it's Compatible with Responsive design and is extremely easy to visually modify and use. Through it, you can create both static HTML and be integrated into dynamically generated content.
Possible variants for customizing the Scattered Photo Gallery are many and different.
Check out some examples below.
You can create a unique view of your gallery with many variations.
Scattered Photo Gallery by 54ka is licensed under the [GPLv3] license for all open source applications. A commercial license is required for all commercial applications (including sites, themes and apps you plan to sell).
How to use
To learn how to modify a preloader please see the Examples section
Licenses / Download
Scattered Photo Gallery
Scattered Photo Gallery is licensed under the GPLv3 license for all open source applications. A commercial license is required for all commercial applications (including sites, themes and apps you plan to sell).